Tec - Control Chromatography Systems
For radiopharmaceutical quality control TecControl Chromatography tests the radiochemical purity of specific Tc99mlabeled radiopharmaceucals. The accompanying chart shows which strips and solvents are required to perform each individual test. Some solvents must be purchased separately (see SigmaAldrich chart) due to hazardous material shipping restricons. Detailed instrucon manuals are packaged with each strip container, although our Radiopharmaceucal QC Procedure Manual (151000) explains paper chromatography in greater detail.
Tec-Control Aluminum Breakthru Kit
The Aluminum Break¬thru Kit provides a rapid, easy and inexpensive way to test aqueous soluons, parcularly per¬tech¬netate generator eluate, for trace quanes of alu¬minum. Aluminum forms an intense red precipitate with the indicator paper, and the intensity of the color is directly proporonal to the amount of aluminum in the soluon. The USP allows a concentraon of aluminum ion in an injecon 10 micrograms per milliliter (10 µg/ml) in techneum 99m eluate prepared from Molybdenum 99 formed as a result of uranium fission. Simple Procedure: Place a drop of the eluate or soluon to be tested on the indicator paper. The best procedure is to form a hanging drop using a 1922G needle. Place a drop of the standard aluminum soluon on the indicator paper. Use the same size drop. Compare the intensity of the red spot formed. If the eluate spot is less intense than the standard soluon, the eluate contains less than 10µg/ml aluminum.
Radiopharmaceutical QC Manual
This detailed manual explains Paper Chromatography, a QC method for evaluang the radiochemical purity of currently used Tc99mlabeled radiopharmaceucals. Procedures are quick and easy to use, a simple quality control soluon for any nuclear medicine department.