Ludlum Survey Meter with Pancake GM Probe (Model 14C)
The Model 14C Survey Meter meets the essenal monitoring and surveying needs
of most nuclear medicine facilies. The exposure filter flaens the response for
energies between 33keV to 1.2MeV.
Sasfies NRC requirements for nuclear medicine departments
• Monitoring alpha, beta and gamma
• 0‐2 R/hr range
• External pancake GM probe with exposure filter (39” cable included)
Survey-cum-Contamination Monitor (Model Ranger)
The Ranger offers maximum performance in a lightweight, rugged soluon for surveying at the
facility or in the field. Internal Halogen‐quenched detector, uncompensated GM tube with thin
mica window, 1.4‐2.0 mg/cm2 areal density. Effecve diameter of window is 45 mm (1.77 in.).
Operang Range
• mR/hr ‐ .001 (1µR) to 100
• CPM ‐ 0 to 350,000
• µSv/hr ‐ .01 to 1000
• CPS ‐ 0 to 5000
• Total Counts‐ 1 to 9,999,000 counts

Ludlum Contamination Monitor (Model 26)
The new cable‐less Ludlum M26 consolidates the electronics and the detector into one
ergonomic housing. This opmized configuraon incorporates a standard GM pancake probe,
loud audio “click” output and large auto‐ranging LCD display with automac back lighng into
one convenient package, making it easier than ever to detect contaminaon.
• Range 1cpm to 99.9 kcpm
• Count Rate and Scaler Alarms
Ludlum Hand & Foot Monitor (Model 3276 H&F)
• Simple Setup and Use
• User‐Adjustable Alarms
• User‐Programmable Units of Measurement, Either English or SI Units
• Standard Alkaline (4) "AA" Baery Power
• Measure Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Contaminaon
The Model 3276 is a versale instrument that can be used for mulple radiaon detecon
purposes. In this configuraon the Model 3276 is connected to both a Model 44‐25 Hand
Monitor Detector and a Model 44‐26 Foot Monitor Detector to monitor personnel for alpha,
beta, and gamma contaminaon. An oponal Model 44‐9 Detector can also be included for
The instrument features a large backlit LCD (liquid crystal display), an audio warning, and
intuive design.

Digital Area Monitor (Model 375)
The digital area monitor with built‐in GM gamma detector provides connuous
gamma radiaon monitoring of rooms where radionuclides are received, stored,
or dispensed, and in waste management areas where there is the possibility of
radioacve contaminaon. The monitor is wall‐mountable.
With built‐in GM gamma detector for connuous monitoring
• Detects gamma radiaon
• LOW and HIGH alarms with yellow and red lights, adjustable audible tones
• 0.1mR/hr ‐ 1000 mR/hr or µSvh ‐ 9999 µSvh/h
• Internal detector: halogen quenched GM gamma detector, sensivity: 1000 cpm/mR/hr (Cs‐137 gamma),
energyresponse (60 keV‐3MeV) : within ±25% of true value
• Display: four‐digit LED display with 0.8” (2cm) character height
• Display units: available in mR/hr or µSv/h
Electronic Personal Dosimeter (Model 23)
The Model 23 Electronic Personal Dosimeter (Ludlum) is a solid and lightweight (55.9 g/2 oz)
pen‐type personal dosimeter. It can be used for measuring gamma or X‐ray radiaon in
medical and laboratory environments or other areas where personal radiaon monitoring is
desired or required.
• 600 record data logging opon available
• low weight and slim design
• audio alarm
• silicon semiconductor detector
• gamma and X‐ray (35 keV to 3 MeV)

Personal Radiation Monitor (Model 25)
The Model 25 is a conveniently small‐sized device designed to warn users any me they are in a potenally harmful radiaon environment. The unit will automacally alarm with a loud audible signal and blinking display when either the dose rate (0.01 mSv/h to 9.99 Sv/h) or accumulated dose (0 to 999 Sv) setpoints are exceeded.
Ludlum Stretch Scope Survey Meter (Model 78)
• Range: 0.1 mR/hr to 1000 R/hr
• Telescoping Stainless Steel Pole Extends Reach to 377.2 cm (148.5 in.)
• Dual Analog/Digital Display
• Splashproof Buons
• Energy Compensated GM Detectors
• Clip‐On Adjustable Shoulder Strap