QA Phantams & Tools
QA Phantams & Tools

Pro-NM FloodRECT

08­401 ­ Pro­NM FloodRECT 08­402 ­ Pro­NM FloodRECT XL Flood phantoms provide a simple and efficient means of obtaining opmum camera performance with respect to uniformity of response over the enre crystal area.

QA Phantams & Tools

Pro-NM Resolution

08­301 The bar phantom for determinaon of resoluon of Scinllaon Cameras. Four­quadrant phantom offers precise determinaon of camera intrinsic resoluon, collimator spaal resoluon, field size and linearity.

QA Phantams & Tools

Pro-NM PETsensi

08­801 The PET sensivity phantom is used to measure the sensivity or ability of positron emission tomographs to detect positrons.

QA Phantams & Tools

Pro-NM ResL

08­303 ­ 21’’ x 21’’ version 08­305 ­ 24’’ x 18’’ version Pro­NM ResL for determinaon of resoluon of Scinllaon Cameras. The phantom offers precise determinaon of camera intrinsic resoluon, collimator spaal resoluon, field size and linearity. Apart from this standard size phantoms, we offer different sizes and configuraons manufactured to the highest quality standards.

QA Phantams & Tools

Pro-NM Slits/h3>

Slits phantom for Intrinsic Spaal Resoluon evaluaon (Quantave technique) according to NEMA Standards Publicaon NU 1­2012.

QA Phantams & Tools

Pro-NM NEMA NU 2 Resolution

A phantom for evaluaon of spaal resoluon of positron emission tomographs (PET).

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Anthropomorphic Sectional Phantoms

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