PET Tracer Synthesizer
AllinOne is the only plaorm which fully meets the
needs and even exceeds the expectaons of both
research and producon environments.
The cung‐edge soluon for tracer producon and
• For 18F, 11C and radio‐metals
• High yields
• Open soware
• GMP compliant
• Plug and play operaon
Dimensions and requirements
• 55 x 44 x 40 cm / 21,7 x 17,3 x 15,8 inch
• 100‐240Vac, 5060Hz, 600 Was peack
• Compressed air: 6 to 10 bars (85 to 140 PSI)
• Nitrogen: 6 to 10 bars (85 to 140 psi)
• Network connecon RJ‐45

Main Features
• Synthesis, built‐in radio HPLC and final formulaon
• Requires only one small hot cell
• Disposable cassees
• Consistent yields and affordable operang cost
• Taylored for research, process opmizaon
• Taylored for cGMP and for roune clinical tracer producon
• Flexible graphical process sequence eding
• Small footprint, saves laboratory and hot cell space
• Controlled user access, extensive log book, version control
• Efficient remote diagnosc and support
• Dedicated team at your service
AllinOne is configurable to match your current needs while remaining easily
upgradable with simple plugins as your requirements increase, without any change
in soware or footprint.
AllinOne can be delivered, with 18 to 36 actuators that can spin the three‐way
valves to any posion including fully closed and with up to 5 syringe drivers,
featuring posion, speed and pressure control/feedback, one or more heaters with
fast cooling capability, strong pinch valves for high pressure reacons, several gas
inlet and exhaust ports, freely posionable sub mCi sensive radiaon detectors and
with external I/Os to control external instruments directly from the soware.

Installed at:
• Atulaya Healthcare, Dera Bassi
• I.B.A., Noida
• Shreeji, Mumbai
• Shreeji, Manesar
• Apollo, Hyderabad
• GMC, Guwaha

AllinOne can be equipped with an integrated HPLC system controlled by the synthesizer. An injecon valve, a column selecon valve, a radiaon detector, and an oponal UV detector are included within the synthesizer. The pump and the eluent selecon box can be placed nearby or apart from the synthesizer. Up to three eluent soluons can be dispensed in isocrac or gradient mode.
The cassee is structured around zero dead volume three‐way valves manifolds offering up to 36 posions freely assignable to reagent vials, SPE cartridges, syringes etc. All components have been designed from carefully chosen materials compable with the most aggressive acids, bases and solvents. Perform up to several chemistry R&D runs per hour by avoiding cleaning and rinsing. All fluid pathway parts can be ordered from Trasis for R&D purpose or even with cerficates when needed.

The easy to use soware allows the user to create his own fluid pathway layouts by simple drag and drop acons of cassee components selected from a virtual toolbox. These very realisc layouts will be the graphical support to create and edit the process sequences. Import and export funcons allow sharing and exchanging developments in just a few clicks with collaborators worldwide. Features also include traceability of all changes during the development process, full records of previous runs, allowing to virtually replay these runs.
A widely recognized online service
An online service team combining IT, mechanical and chemistry skills, will provide you with an outstanding service experience. Well over 90% of the quesons can be answered remotely. Personalized training opons allow to wisely use the advanced hardware and soware features. These sessions can be performed on site, in our facilies or remotely